

How much will my delivery cost?

The shipping is free of charge.

How long do I have to wait for my delivery?

The shipping from Israel to the USA, Europe or the Middle East lasts within 2-7 business days (Sun-Thu) on items that are available. For jewelry that is out of stock or without needed size will last 21 business days.

How long do I have to wait for an individual piece of jewelry?

If you have ordered the individual piece of jewelry - the delivery will last 21 business days.

Does the pack come with insurance?

The pack comes with free of charge insurance.

Can I get the report about diamond characteristics?

With jewelry packing we can send a YB Soul Certificate. If you want to have the report of other independent experts you can get IGI Certificate (from 0.7 carat) and GIA Certificate (from 1.0 carat) that will be included in the cost.

How is my order packaged?

Each piece of jewelry goes in the highlighting and designed YB Soul presentation box. When delivering the parcel we make a video about our packing process till the last minute of shipping and then we send it by e-mail along with the bar code.

Can I track my order?

Yes. On the day of shipment we'll email you shipping confirmation that includes order-tracking information, where you can check the transportation process at every step.

How can I pay?

You can pay via PayPal. If you want to pay in another way, please, contact us.
