Conflict-Free Diamonds - What Does it Mean?

When buying a diamond for an engagement ring, you’ll hear a lot about its 4C’s characteristics. But what about the 5th one? The 5th characteristic of diamonds is Conflict-Free diamonds that is also very important. Every jeweler will tell you that their diamonds are conflict-free and are Kimberley-certified. But is there any guarantee? Let us discover more for you.


Conflict-free diamonds are mined and shipped without any connection to rebel or terror groups.

After the premier of a famous movie “Blood Diamonds” in which the warlords in Sierra Leone were shown who funded their bloody civil war with diamonds The movie rightfully shocked Western world. Blood diamonds are often mined in war-torn areas and are illegally sold. Many people were killed during these times in 1990. And even today children are used for cutting diamonds for unfair payments not enough for normal living.

Conflict-free diamonds are safely mined and are not used for the purpose of terror and do not cause any societal and environmental harm.

Moreover, there are also ethical diamonds which ensure fair pay, safe working conditions, environment friendliness, and no human rights abuses.


In 2003, there was implemented the Kimberley Process which aims to trace the way of diamonds from the mine and not to allow conflict diamonds to come to the trade market. Each trader must certify the diamonds with a Kimberley Certificate. But still it doesn’t guarantee the truthfulness of information about the diamonds as the stones go through dozens of hands: from various wholesalers to a diamond cutter and to retailers. So it is also possible that conflict diamonds are mixed with others at some stages and are delivered to the jewelry market.

Thus, there is no guarantee that if the diamond is Kimberley certified it is conflict-free.


You can verify your diamond’s authenticity by entering the Canadamark unique code of the diamond on their website. Canada’s Dominion Diamond Mines have a fully audited process to ensure ethically mined diamonds.

Diamonds from Canada may be more expensive but all the environmental and labor standards are strictly maintained.

Don’t buy diamonds mined in Zimbabwe and Angola, as these countries treat people badly, abusing their rights. You may better consider diamonds from such african countries as Namibia and Botswana. Both countries adhere to environmental and labor standards too.

And remember that before buying a diamond you have the right to demand all the information about it. The professional jeweler will definitely know and tell you where the diamonds were mined and what way they overcame to be here.

You may also consider lab-created diamonds when looking for an engagement ring. They are real diamonds made in a laboratory and are absolutely environmentally friendly and do not break human rights. They look exactly like natural diamonds with the same brilliance and duration.

You can always find other diamond alternatives opting for colored gemstones, which are easier to trace than diamonds.


Every respectful retailer and manufacturer will sell only conflict-free diamonds. You can turn to big online retailers, like Blue Nile or James Allen, or you can choose conflict-free diamonds for your engagement ring from YB Soul Diamond Jewelry Manufacture.

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