הצג סרגל הצד
How to Choose the Right Diamond Ring: 6 Basic Tips

When you are choosing a dress, there are a lot of them, so it is easy to get lost. It is usually like this: one is more beautiful than another. Frankly speaking, if the dress suddenly does not fit, it can be replaced by another one. But with the pieces of diamond jewelry, everything is more complicated. The fact is that a simple mistake will cost many times more.

That is why the YB Soul team prepared for you some useful tips on how to choose the right diamond for the ring. No doubts that diamonds make a woman a woman. The precious stones make the outfit more elegant. Gold rings for women with diamonds show the woman’s attitude to life. And of course, this is a perfect investment.

1. Certificates

If suddenly you are offered to purchase a diamond without a certificate - this is a bad signal. Remember: all diamonds of natural origin (from 0.30 ct and more) must be certified! For the big, stones it is supposed to be the GIA - International Diamond Certificate. Also, the jewelry company is supposed to have a certified personal document, where it is written all the information about the precious stones.

2. How to check if the diamond in the ring is real?

Diamonds are a favorite thing for fraudsters. And the reason for this is their high cost and a large number of analogs. Most often, diamonds are counterfeited with cubic zirconia, crystal, quartz, moissanite, and even ordinary glass. So, for example, a non-jeweler can not notice the difference between synthetic moissanite and diamond.

You do not have the possibility to check it?

Here are some tips on how to do this at home:


- breathe on the stone: if it is not a diamond, the stone will fog up;

- opacity: letters and numbers cannot be read through a diamond;

- the brighter the lighting, the brighter the stone will be.

Remember: a diamond is hard but fragile! Therefore, do not try to make sure of it with a hammer. A precious stone can instantly crack and split into small pieces.

3. Diamond Clarity and Color

The most common diamonds are clear or yellow (according to the international D-G scale), less often colored precious stones (blue, pink). Those that are obtained naturally are the most expensive in price. Professionals rate diamonds according to two criteria: color and clarity. The cost of the stone directly depends on these factors. The international color scale is indicated by letters (from D to Z according to the GIA system).

The purity of a gem is determined by the number of inclusions in its structure. They can look like white, dark dots or small cracks (from "very small inclusions" to "inclusions visible to the naked eye").

Stones with small inclusions look best in earrings and pendants - where they will not be considered point-blank. If you do not go into technical nuances, the high clarity of a diamond is determined by the fact that no extraneous things are visually visible in it.

4. Diamonds Cut

Professionals may say that the cut is the queen in choosing the diamond. One of the most popular is the "princess", as it has the brightest play of the light. But most often there is a round cut, less often - a fancy one (oval, emerald, heart).

When choosing a cut, one should take into account the state of the stone and its proportions. The pear and oval cuts are most often used in earrings, pendants, necklaces while the marquis cut in rings.

5. Stone Shape

Rings with elongated diamonds will help to visually make the hand more graceful and longer. It can be a soft oval or pear-cut with tapered ends. Jewelers recommend all owners of thin fingers to take a closer look at round-cut diamonds in the shape of a "pear" or square ("princess", "cushion").

Radiant or emerald cuts are most often used for large stones. Their openness reveals all the beauty of the gemstone but at the same time all the defects.

6. Setting design

The design of the setting plays an important role for small stones. But a large diamond is beautiful in itself. In massive rings, the stone seems to rise above the gold rim. The first is attaching stones with hooks or barely noticeable paws. The more, the larger the stone seems. The second is held by small sections.

Remember: the frame is well-chosen when it emphasizes, not obscures the diamond!

In addition, take into account the parameters of your hands: the size of the frame should be proportional.

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