הצג סרגל הצד
Why to Choose Rose Gold?

Diamonds, gold, jewelry are very popular, especially among girls and women. They need it, we need it to make our life brighter.

Before, only classic yellow gold was popular. But today we do have a little bit of another situation. Today, rose gold is one of the leading golds on the market.

Haven’t you heard about this precious metal yet? Or you doubt that it is an alloy of copper and silver?

How rose gold appeared?

To be honest, this type of gold has been known for a long time. But, it also has to be mentioned that some people believed that this precious metal was a mistake. Previously, rose gold items were considered as a defect of gold. The thing is that before people recognized only two types of gold - yellow and red. If the proportions were not observed, the piece of jewelry acquired an intermediate shade unusual for this metal - pink.

Now this alloy - rose gold - is experiencing its rebirth. The reason for this lies in the rapid development of jewelry art. Over time, it becomes more and more difficult to surprise sophisticated buyers with new jewelry items. And in this case, rose gold is very useful. For some reason, jewelers and customers value it even higher than the usual yellow one.

What does rose gold look like and what metals are in it?

The jewelers mix the gold with other metals. Why? Primarily to make gold more practical and durable. In fact, pure gold is a very soft metal that can be bent even in your hands. So that this does not happen with your jewelry, alloys are added to pure gold.

Also, a long time ago, jewelers noticed that when other non-ferrous metals (copper, zinc, silver, etc.) were added, the hue of gold changed slightly. For a while, the resulting pink color was considered a marriage, but then they began to use it to create unusual jewelry items.

It is impossible to say exactly what rose gold looks like. Of course, the metal has a pink color, but the shade depends on the concentration of impurities.

As mentioned above, the alloy consists of three metals:

  • Gold
  • Copper
  • Silver

Depending on their percentage, the shade of the metal can vary from pale pink or peach to dark, almost red. Some craftsmen add zinc to the alloy, which gives the product an almost orange tint.

How durable rose gold is?

Unusual appearance and good ductility are often achieved at the expense of strength. For this reason, the jewelry is quickly scratched or bent. This is especially true for low-grade metal, which is very easy to break.

Rose gold is used to create jewelry and almost nothing else. Due to the delicate pink shade, the products acquire a romantic appearance and are especially appreciated by the femail. The most popular rose gold jewelry is wedding rings and pendants.

How to distinguish rose gold from a fake one?

The surest way to buy a genuine piece of jewelry is to buy it from trusted jewelry stores. In such prestigious establishments, you can ask for all the documentation to verify the authenticity of the product.

If you are still in doubt, it is better to seek the help of a professional jeweler. The artisan will be able to distinguish rose gold from other types and save you money from buying trinkets. Nevertheless, this service is also paid, so you will hardly be able to save money.

The surest way to buy a genuine piece of jewelry is to buy it from trusted jewelry stores. In such prestigious establishments, you can ask for all the documentation to verify the authenticity of the product.

If you are still in doubt, it is better to seek the help of a professional jeweler. The expert will be able to distinguish rose gold from other types and save you money from buying trinkets. In YB Soul Diamond Jewelry store you will find great customer service and well-experienced jeweler. We will support you in any question. Don't hesitate to contact us before making an order.

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