How does an Installment Plan Work in YB Soul Online Store?

We would like to inform you of wonderful news. YB Soul cares about each client, therefore, in addition to the most pleasant prices for diamond jewelry, we have also prepared for each of you the opportunity to purchase the item you like instantly without paying the entire purchase price at once. An installment plan - is a method of paying for something where the client pays part of the cost immediately and then makes small regular payments until the debt is completely paid. This meaning you may find in Cambridge Dictionary. So, be sure, that YB Soul jewelry...
Real Diamond or Fake Stone?

A diamond is a cut natural diamond. We are all crazy about the cold sparkle of the stone. Every time we want to choose a unique stone. But how to know is it real or fake? Frankly speaking, there are plenty of fake minerals on the market. YB Soul experts will tell you how to recognize a fake one. The good news - we can be sure of the quality of the metal without a problem. Just have a look at any ring and you will see a hallmark. And what about the diamond? Without a doubt, the manufacturer is...
What do You Know about the International Diamond Grading System (4Cs)?

Every diamond is unique. Still, there is an international grading system of diamonds that features four main characteristics of a stone: Diamond’s Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat. It is well-known as 4C’s grading system. This will help you to know more about the main characteristics that affect the diamond’s beauty and shine and will help to choose a stone that matches your wishes the best. Cut is the first and most important feature of a diamond that defines its beauty. The cut is not about the shape of a stone how everybody thinks, but about polish, symmetry, brightness, fire, scintillation,...