
History of Diamond Jewelry

History of Diamond Jewelry

Today it seems like a lot of stories of life are very well known. And what about the history of jewelry? Diamonds and jewelry have been a component of this world and people since before the first historical events were mentioned. Actually, it started a long time ago. People have had jewelry in golden times already. It goes without saying that the jewelry which people of those times wore was not like now. Bones, seashells, colored stones could be considered as jewelry. These all gemstones should have been beautiful so they can be used as jewelry. Diamonds started to be...

The Cheapest Diamond Cut

The Cheapest Diamond Cut

Today, the diamond is the most coveted and one of the most expensive gemstones. When choosing jewelry with a diamond, buyers pay attention primarily to the color, transparency, and weight of the stone, but almost never look at the cut. However, it is the cut that determines the brilliance of the diamond, and the cutting method used affects how the facets of the stone reflect light and delight the eyes of the happy owner. Correctly cut diamonds shine more, and their inclusions are less noticeable, therefore the method and technique of cutting play a much greater role than transparency and...
